Legendary Defense HD

by Simon Schubert



Online Map Editor + Downloadarchiv: http://legendarydefense.net/Your challange is to protect the Legendary Castle in placing strategically towers near the enemys lanes. The arrow tower is effective against flying enemies and good in the beginning phase and. Canonon towers have a splash damage, which damages all units around the shots detonation so they are effectiv in combination with poison towers which slows enemies. The special tower do its best in the end game because it do prozentual damage and for every 1000 damage you get an extra life.Features - 2 different creep types (flying,normal) - 5 different tower types (arrow,canon,poison,special,multi) - 15 seconds to get the full cost of level 1 Tower - some maps have a buildable statue that kills every x seconds a random creep instantThe App runs on nearly all newer devices you can check out the demo before buying.